Mountain Climbers with a Twist

Today's exercise is Mountain Climbers with Twist , a dynamic variation of the classic mountain climber exercise that targets the core muscles , including the abs and obliques . In addition, you work your shoulders and improve your cardiovascular endurance, making this a full-fledged cardio and strength exercise.

Correct Technique for Mountain Climbers with Twist

1. Start in a plank position with your hands placed directly under your shoulders and your body in a straight line.
2. Pull your right knee toward your left elbow, and rotate your hips to engage your obliques.
3. Return to plank position and repeat the movement with the left knee towards the right elbow.
4. Continue to alternate between the sides at a fast pace, without losing stability in the upper body.

Common Errors

  • Hips rise: Make sure your hips don't rise too high. Keep them in line with your shoulders to ensure your core works efficiently.
  • Too fast movement: Perform the movement with control to avoid losing form.
  • Incomplete rotation: Be sure to rotate the body sufficiently to get maximum effect on the obliques.

Modifications and Variants

Beginners can perform the exercise at a slower pace for better control and form. More advanced athletes can increase the speed for a greater fitness challenge, or use sliders under the feet for added resistance.

Repetitions and Sets

Start with 3 sets of 30 seconds of continuous work. For more experienced athletes, the time or intensity can be increased for a tougher session.

Breathing technique

Inhale as you pull your knee toward your elbow, and exhale as you rotate your body and return to the plank position. Keep your breathing steady throughout the movement to maintain intensity.

Videos featuring Mountain Climbers with Twist

Here are two videos demonstrating the technique:

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