
Plank is a simple but very effective bodyweight exercise that strengthens the core muscles , including the stomach , back and shoulders . It contributes to better stability and balance, and is an important exercise for building a strong base for other exercises and daily movements.

Correct Technique for Plank

To maximize the effect of planking and reduce the risk of injury, proper technique is essential. Follow these steps:

  1. Starting position : Lie on the floor with your forearms on the ground and your elbows directly under your shoulders. Your body should form a straight line from your head to your heels.
  2. Tighten the core : Activate the abdominal and gluteal muscles by drawing the navel in towards the spine. Keep your back straight and avoid lowering your hips or sticking your buttocks up.
  3. Head in neutral position : Look straight down at the ground to keep the neck in a natural position. Avoid bending your head too much up or down.
  4. Breathe calmly : Breathe in a controlled manner throughout the exercise, and hold the position for as long as you can without losing form.

Common Faults in Plank

Although the plank looks simple, there are several common mistakes many people make that can reduce their effectiveness and increase their risk of injury. Avoid these:

  • Dropped hips : Allowing the hips to drop too low can put undue pressure on the lower back. Make sure to keep your body in a straight line.
  • Hip position too high : Some people lift their hips too high, which makes the exercise easier but less effective for the core. Make sure the body is straight.
  • Tense neck : Do not stretch your neck too much up or down. Keep your head in a neutral position to avoid unnecessary strain on your neck.

Modifications and Variations

The plank can be adapted to your level using modifications, or you can challenge yourself with different variations:

  • Knee Plank : For beginners, you can do the plank on your knees instead of your toes, which makes the exercise easier.
  • Side plank : A variation where you lie on your side and lift your body with one arm, which challenges the oblique muscles in your stomach.
  • Plank with leg raises : Lift one leg at a time while holding the plank to activate the glutes more.

Video 1: How to Perform Plank

Repetitions and Sets

For beginners, try holding the plank for 20-30 seconds, and repeat this 3 times. More advanced athletes can try holding the plank for 60-90 seconds, with 3-5 repetitions.

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