Step Ups with Knee Drive

Step Ups with Knee Drive is a strengthening exercise that focuses on the glutes, quadriceps and core muscles. This exercise improves balance and explosiveness, making it ideal for both athletes and exercisers looking to increase lower body strength and core stability.

Correct Form and Technique

How to perform Step Ups with Knee Drive correctly:

  1. Starting position: Stand in front of a bench or box with one foot placed on top of the bench, while the other leg is on the ground. Keep your core tight.
  2. Movement: Push through the heel of the front leg to lift the body up. When you reach the top of the movement, drive the opposite knee up toward your chest to complete the knee drive.
  3. Return: Lower the body in a controlled manner back to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
  4. Breathe: Exhale when you lift your body up, and inhale when you lower yourself down.

Common Errors

Avoid these common mistakes during Step Ups with Knee Drive :

  • Posture: Avoid leaning forward when performing the movement. Keep your torso upright to maintain balance and activate your core.
  • Poor balance: Make sure you don't lose your balance when driving your knee up. Support your balance by keeping your arms actively involved in the movement.

Modifications and Variants

Here are some ways to adapt or make the exercise more challenging:

  • Beginner level: Start with a lower bench or box until you master your balance and technique.
  • Advanced level: Use dumbbells in your hands to increase resistance and further challenge both balance and strength.

Repetitions and Sets

Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions per leg. This is a great exercise to strengthen the lower body, improve balance and increase explosiveness.

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