Toe Touch Crunch

The Toe Touch Crunch is an effective exercise for training the core muscles , especially the rectus abdominis (the straight abdominal muscles). This exercise focuses on improving core activation, strength and flexibility in the upper body and hips. It helps to strengthen the midsection and tone the stomach.

Correct technique and execution

To perform the Toe Touch Crunch correctly, follow these steps:

  1. Starting position: Lie on your back with your legs raised straight up at a 90-degree angle. Keep your arms stretched out towards your toes.
  2. Crunch: Lift your upper body toward your toes by engaging your abdominal muscles. Focus on lifting your shoulders off the ground and reaching towards your toes.
  3. Back to start: Lower your upper body back down towards the ground with control, but keep your legs up in the same position.

Common errors

  • Pulling the neck: Avoid pulling the neck to lift the upper body. Use your abs to pull yourself up.
  • Legs are bent: Keep your legs straight throughout the exercise to maximize the activation of your abdominal muscles.
  • Limited range of motion: Make sure you lift your shoulders well off the ground to get the full effect of the exercise.

Modifications and variations

For beginners: Keep your legs slightly lower if it is difficult to keep them at a 90-degree angle. For advanced: Use a medicine ball between your hands for extra resistance, or lower your legs more slowly for increased intensity.

Reps and sets

Aim for 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions. Increase the number of repetitions as you get stronger.

Breathing technique

Exhale as you lift your upper body towards your toes, and inhale as you lower yourself back to the starting position.

Videos for technique

Here is a video showing the correct execution of the Toe Touch Crunch:

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