Wall Balls

Wall Balls is a dynamic, full-body exercise that challenges both strength and endurance. It combines a deep squat with an explosive throwing motion using a medicine ball. This exercise activates multiple muscle groups, including the quadriceps, glutes, shoulders and core, and is often used in CrossFit and functional training to improve strength and coordination.

Correct Form and Technique

How to perform Wall Balls correctly:

  1. Starting position: Stand in front of a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a medicine ball at chest height. Make sure you stand 30-45 cm from the wall.
  2. Squats: Lower yourself into a deep squat by bending your knees and pushing your hips back. Make sure your hips come below parallel with your knees.
  3. Throw: Rise explosively from the squat and throw the medicine ball towards a target point on the wall, approximately 2.5-3 meters above the ground.
  4. Catch and Repeat: Catch the ball on the way down, go straight back into a squat and repeat the movement.
  5. Breathe: Breathe in when you lower yourself down, and breathe out when you throw the ball.

Common Errors

Avoid these common mistakes to get the most out of Wall Balls :

  • Poor depth in the squat: Make sure the hips come under the knee to activate more muscles effectively.
  • Sway your back: Keep your back neutral and avoid swaying when you rise from the squat.
  • Throw without power: Focus on using your leg strength to drive the ball up the wall for explosiveness.

Modifications and Variants

To make the exercise easier or more challenging, try these variations:

  • Beginner level: Use a lighter medicine ball and reduce the height of the throw.
  • Advanced level: Use a heavier ball or increase the tempo for a more intense session.

Repetitions and Sets

Aim for 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions , depending on your training level. This exercise fits well in a cardio or strength training session to improve both endurance and explosive power.

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